Our Vision

Wanna Change the World?

Xtra Miles operates as a 100% non-profit humanitarian organization, which means that no one, regardless of their position in the organization will earn anything. Moreover, Xtra Miles doesn’t address general or large-scale issues, but instead individual cases, that are submitted by our volunteers, which means that anyone who donates funds to Xtra Miles, will be able to donate it to a specific case, to solve a specific issue, so that the entire donation is used effectively as to ensure that none of the amount is wasted.

The work of a volunteer is based on the same principle, each case will come with its own description of what needs to be down, as well as suggestions regarding how to assist in the matter, the idea being that volunteers can easily navigate the available cases, and address those which they believe they are qualified, or feel confident in doing something about.

Most of our cases are local, however, for the more demanding and unique cases, we will resort to sharing them with our world-wide community of volunteers.